Kyall Shanks
Dance Artist
2015年にビクトリア芸術大学を卒業以来、Tasdance、Antony Hamilton Projects、Chunky Move、Matthew Bourne’s New Adventures、Opera Australia、The Delta Project、Liquidskin Dance Companyで踊り、教育活動や振付、パフォーマンスとのバランスを追求し、ダンスへのアクセシビリティを若者やコミュニティを通じて増やすことに注力している。
ilYoung 2018のメンバーとしてスウェーデンに3か月滞在。
また、アーツ・センター・メルボルン/マシュー・ボーンの「Lord Of The Flies」プロジェクト、2019年のダンス・マッシブ作品「Simulcast」、Stephanie Lake Companyの2020年メルボルン・フリンジ作品「Multiply」、Liesel Zinkの2023年のコミュニティ作品「Us and All of This」など、コミュニティ・ユースグループや学校での指導者や振付家として活動。
ビクトリア芸術大学、Chunky Move、Ausdance Victoria、Arts Centre Melbourne、DRILL、Transit Dance、The Space Dance and Arts Centreなどで指導。
2020年Chunky Moveの持つレパートリーを基に「Experiences for Young People」という新しい教育プログラムの設計に関わる。
2022年 Moombaパレードの一環のとして、Tamara Cubasの「Multitud」のコミュニティプロデューサー、オーストラリア青年ダンスフェスティバルの共同ディレクターを務める。現在、Tasdance Artistic Associatesの一員として、ダンスカンパニーYellow Wheelのディレクターを勤める。
Kyall is a Naarm/Melbourne based Australian contemporary dance artist. Their career so far has focused on finding a balance of performance, choreography and teaching work. By finding how these three areas can compliment and feed into each other, Kyall is passionate about increasing the accessibility of dance through youth and community work. They are a graduate of the Victorian College of the Arts 2015 and since then have danced for Tasdance, Antony Hamilton Projects, Chunky Move, Matthew Bourne’s New Adventures, Opera Australia, The Delta Project and Liquidskin Dance Company. In 2017-2018 Kyall undertook an 8 month international residency program with DanceBox in Kobe, Japan, and then spent 3 months in Sweden as a member of ilYoung 2018. Kyall has engaged with community youth groups and schools as a teacher and choreographer, examples of this being the Arts Centre Melbourne/Matthew Bourne ‘Lord Of The Flies’ project, the 2019 Dance Massive work ‘Simulcast’, and Stephanie Lake Company’s 2020 Melbourne Fringe work ‘Multiply’ and Liesel Zink’s 2023 community work ‘Us and All of This”. Through their work they have represented/taught for The Victorian College of the Arts, Chunky Move, Ausdance Victoria, Arts Centre Melbourne, DRILL, Transit Dance and The Space Dance and Arts Centre. In 2020 they designed Chunky Move’s new set of education offerings “Experiences for Young People”, based off of current chunky move repertoire. In 2022 they worked as Community Dance Artist helping to bring together the 2022 Moomba parade, as a Community Producer for Tamara Cubas’s ‘Multitud’ as part of the RISING festival, and as Co-Artistic Director of the Australian Youth Dance Festival. They currently work as one of the Tasdance Artistic Associates, and as Artistic Director to the preprofessional youth dance company Yellow Wheel.
(Tasdance Photoshoot, Photo by Mel Kate Photography)
2023年4月7日 時点